The door of the country is gradually opening, and the tide of the market economy is surging. A large number of young people in the system have stepped into the heat wave of reform and opening up, resigned and went to the sea one after another, and it has gradually become a trend. Wang Dinghua, who is engaged in scientific research and teaching in a university in Xi'an, also felt the momentum of the change of the times, and became a member of the tide regardless of his own safety. He was 49 years old that year.
Deng Xiaoping made an important speech during his southern tour of Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai and other places. Deng Xiaoping's speeches on his southern tour sparked an upsurge of entrepreneurship and reform throughout China. Entrepreneurs of that generation have rich life experiences as a common feature. Born in a great era, Wang Dinghua's experience has a profound imprint of the times. It can almost be said that he has experienced various major events and passed through different classes. Wang Dinghua worked as a worker, went to university, studied as a graduate student, and taught until he "entered the sea" in 1992.
Deng Xiaoping made an important speech during his southern tour of Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai and other places. Deng Xiaoping's speeches on his southern tour sparked an upsurge of entrepreneurship and reform throughout China. Entrepreneurs of that generation have rich life experiences as a common feature. Born in a great era, Wang Dinghua's experience has a profound imprint of the times. It can almost be said that he has experienced various major events and passed through different classes. Wang Dinghua worked as a worker, went to university, studied as a graduate student, and taught until he "entered the sea" in 1992.
当一个人明确了自己的方向和所走的道路 胜任当前的角色便已成定局。
Wang Dinghua, already a university professor, stepped out of the laboratory and founded Xi'an Dinghua Electronics Co., Ltd. When naming the company, Wang Dinghua's idea was simple and firm. He wanted to tie his life to this career, so he named it Dinghua.
What does a newly established company rely on to enter the market and establish a position in the industry? Wang Dinghua's answer is "excellent new products". Just do it, Wang Dinghua transferred the spirit of perseverance and hard work in the bones of a scientist to the identity of an entrepreneur. Since then, he has been thinking about this issue no matter whether he is eating, walking, going to the toilet or sleeping. In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Dinghua is "crazy". And it was his "crazy energy" that helped him pry open the door of the world's first external measuring liquid level gauge.
王定华常年有胃病,有一次去医院做超声波检查时,看到了超声波仪器,忽然脑中灵光一闪,超声波能不能穿透钢罐壁呢?这个想法在他脑中逐渐扩大,冲击着他那颗热忱的心脏。当时,全世界都没有人这样测量过。王定华决定当第一个吃螃蟹的人。他向素不相识的超声检查室医生借了医院的超声波诊疗仪。在那个年代,人与人之间的信任可能只是一个眼神的交汇。只凭一张手写的借条,王定华借到了超声波诊疗仪。 如获至宝的王定华回到家后,埋进了厨房,围着液化气罐测量。家人们虽然对他的怪异举动担心,但还是选择尊重与理解,任由他捣腾。一周之后,厨房里发出了一声巨大的欢呼声。王定华成功地测量到了液化气罐的液位信号,由此确认了用超声波测量钢罐里液位的技术路线可行。 当时国内外液位测量产品基本都属于接触式测量,普遍存在精度低,稳定性不高,需要在储罐上开孔安装,存在潜在泄露点,维修更换要停车清罐,费用十分高昂。 新技术研发是一条艰难的路程,挫败、疑惑、欣喜或随之而来的失望等各种情绪不一而足。所幸的是,王定华面对困难时候的态度是坚持和乐观:“这个方向不行,就及时转弯,不太会为了眼前堵死的路坐立不安。困难是一直存在。但跳不过坎却不会有,我总会想着,这边放块板,那边架座桥。” 在那间不足80平的房间里,王定华坚持不懈,不断探索,他带领团队潜心基础理论和前沿技术的研究,攻克一个个技术难关,最终开发出了世界上首台利用声呐测距原理,“微振动分析”技术从容器外测量液位仪表——外测液位计。
In order to test the safety and reliability of the first-generation external liquid level gauge, Wang Dinghua started a long road of testing. At that time, he was penniless, so he could only ride a dilapidated bicycle and traveled all over the liquefied gas stations in Xi'an. Those tanks that were flammable, highly toxic, and highly corrosive, and no one else dared to approach them, he Also go alone, rigorous and serious measurement. The spring, summer, autumn and winter in Xi'an pass by in the wind as Wang Dinghua clinks back and forth on his bicycle. He measured every inch of land in the ancient city of Xi'an with his own hands and feet, and verified the safety and high reliability of the external liquid level gauge he invented time and time again.
创始人故事 Founder story
The liquid level gauge invented by Wang Dinghua can measure the precise height of the liquid level from the outside of the container, realizing the real isolation measurement, which is the first in the world and also a well-known theoretical innovation in the industry. Military oil depots, chemical industry, electric power, storage and transportation, medicine and other industries have problems in measuring the liquid level of flammable, highly toxic, strong corrosion, high pressure, high purity, and high clean media in containers. a revolution". In 1999, Dinghua Electronics was certified as a national high-tech enterprise, and the sonar external liquid level gauge was recognized by domestic experts, users and mainstream media.
人们对于新的技术和产品,始终是抱持怀疑和谨慎态度的。王定华的销售推广之路异常艰辛和复杂。当时的中石化等公司普遍采用的是国外的液位仪,要进行替代非常困难。但是王定华相信自己的产品是最好的,凭着这份自信与笃定,他一遍遍地敲开业主的大门,一遍遍地宣讲产品,用专业的数据和可靠的服务,一步步地把中国人自己发明的外测液位仪推向了中国,推向了世界。 经过时间的淬炼和沉淀,定华的产品和服务获得了国内主流设计单位和用户的广泛认可。经过二十余年的发展,外测液位产品已广泛应用于国内外炼油、化工、储运、电力、冶金、医药等各行业,拥有包括中石化扬子石化、镇海炼化、青岛炼化、中石油大庆炼化、长庆炼化、哈萨克斯坦阿克纠宾油田、天津大沽化、鲁西化工、东岳化工、中盐集团、中煤集团、国电集团、陕煤集团等众多国内外知名企业在内的上千余家客户。同时,定华高度重视技术创新,逐步发展成为由规则的遵守者转变为规则的制定者,积极参与国家行业标准、规范编制工作,2009年定华电子通过十余年不懈努力,作为当年唯一一家国内仪表参编企业。推动外测液位仪表进入国家行业标准,进一步提升国内及行业的话语权和地位。
(2)参编技术标准:国家物资管理行业技术标准——《货运主动安全防控仪器与系统技术要求》(标准号T/CFLP 0003—2017)路虽远,行则将至;事虽难,做则将成。
定华自成立以来,没有做其他任何一件事,只专注于外测液位仪表这一件事,今后也是如此。这是王定华内心的声音和使命。未来,定华希望中国能够跻身到自动化仪表的国际第一阵营里去。这是王定华的心愿,也是他坚信会实现的未来。 如今,我们依然能在第一代外测液位仪细微的纹路上捕捉到当年王定华创业的风姿和印痕,也能在一代又一代不断迭代延伸的液位仪上感受到定华电子对这份事业的忠诚与热爱。
Since its establishment, Dinghua has not done anything else, but only focused on the external measurement of liquid level instruments, and it will continue to do so in the future. This is Wang Dinghua's inner voice and mission. In the future, Dinghua hopes that China can join the international first camp of automated instruments. This is Wang Dinghua's wish and the future he firmly believes will come true. Today, we can still capture Wang Dinghua’s pioneering demeanor and imprints on the subtle lines of the first-generation external liquid level gauges, and we can also feel Dinghua Electronics’ commitment to this in the generations of liquid level gauges that have been iteratively extended. Loyalty and devotion to the cause.
股票简称:定华电子 股票代码:837793